The books are all unique, yet read in the chronological order that Sansom intended, shows the amazing progress of England through the reign of the Tudors and how these changes affected those living during this time. If you have been following my blog or my page, you know that I am talking about the Matthew Shardlake series by C.J. Now, I could be describing any number of historical fiction series, but this one, in particular, blew me away. You feel like the books are true escapism and that you can visualize the world that the author has created using a combination of facts and fictional ideas. You feel like you are friends with the protagonist and his pals and you despise the nefarious villains that try to thwart the efforts of the heroes. Have you ever read a historical fiction series that made you stop and think that the plots of the books could be possible? They make you question the way you look at the past and wonder why no one had ever written a series like it before.