
History of the Wars, Volume III by Procopius
History of the Wars, Volume III by Procopius

History of the Wars, Volume III by Procopius

The Emperor Justinian, upon receiving this letter, having been angry with Gelimer (Gothic king ruling North Africa) even before then, was still more eager to punish him. Next time we will read from his secret history that describes the hidden life at Justinian's court.

History of the Wars, Volume III by Procopius

The following selection is from his narrative on the campaigns that regained most of the western empire under Tendency to imitate the great Athenian historian of the 5th century B.C., Thucydides. The last of the classical historians is one of the best as a military source, as well as stylistically accomplished Procopius was born around 500 and served in high ranking offices in the army of Belisarius. Quick and easy access to definitions and lexical information allows you to follow historical events like never before.Procopius on the conquests of Belisarius Procopius History of the Wars III.1-11 You can also use the dictionary lookup tool to examine difficult English words. Use Logos’ language tools to go deeper into the Greek text with linked translations, definitions, and pronunciation tools. Each text is included in its original Greek, with an English translation for side-by-side comparison. This collection contains the complete texts in their Loeb Classical Library editions. This book is a wealth of information for anyone who wishes to understand the Byzantine Empire’s internal administration. The collection is completed with On Buildings, in which Procopius details every public building in the empire. Due to the text’s nature, it is believed that Procopius was unable to release the work until Justinian died.

History of the Wars, Volume III by Procopius

It also contains Procopius’ well-known The Anecdota or Secret History, which details political scandals during Justinian’s reign. This collection includes the complete History of the Wars. Procopius’ History of the Wars, written in eight books, is an eye-witness account of the military campaigns and the primary source of history on the reign of Emperor Justinian (AD 527–565). He is best known as the chronicler of Byzantine emperor Justinian’s attempts to restore the empire to its former glory. Procopius of Caesarea is regarded as one of the last major historians of the ancient world. Logos Research Subscription for Schools.

History of the Wars, Volume III by Procopius