So I have lots of beautiful cookery books but I never get past the first couple of recipes.

I hate cooking but love the idea of being a good cook and welcoming all my friends and family to delicious meals. My best friend is an artist and she is incredibly inspiring to me. I have taken quite a few art classes and find it very creative to work with paint and charcoal and images instead of words, though somehow I can't help adding bits of poetry and scraps of words into my paintings, too… When I was at school, I was completely obsessed by the Pre-Raphaelites, and I love the way their art is so intertwined with poetry and stories. I also enjoy being in the city-although I wouldn't want to live there all the time, it's fun to go window shopping or to big new exhibitions or shows, or just hang out in a coffee shop with a cappuccino and a notebook and watch the busy world go by.

I was brought up in the north of England which is much more rugged and wild-the backdrop to Immortal. I like to go for long walks and see the changes that the seasons bring, and I try to imagine how it all must have been years and years ago, and how the people lived. I am currently learning Italian (or trying to!) and have a secret fantasy about going to live on the beautiful island of Sicily one day, and having a little stone house with a lemon tree in the garden, and a view of the blue, blue sea! I am lucky, though, because I do live in a fantastic part of England, full of soft green fields and rolling hills and cottages that date back four hundred years. She has a son and a daughter, and is married to Brian, who works for the New York Times Media Group. Having children gave Gillian an excuse to carry on reading children’s books, as well as a motivation to write them.

She recently taught English and Drama at Beechwood Sacred Heart, a girls’ boarding school. She then taught in a drama school, the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts, for several years, becoming Vice Principal. After university she studied acting in London. Gillian’s love of books led her to read English at St. As she grew up, she had two passions:books and theater. Gillian Shields was born and brought up in Yorkshire, in the north of England.